Logansboro is situated in the beautiful coastal mountains of Deadwood Oregon.  
This Logan family website includes Logan genealogy, Logan family trees, Logan ancestors, Logan ancestry, Logan descendents, surnames in our family tree, research and postings of family genealogy information, quality research links to other genealogy web pages, Logan immigration, the original 13 colonies, prominent and notorious Logan's, Logan family trees going back to Scotland, Ireland, Spain, England, and Holland.  It also includes the Deadwood Trading Post and Deadwood Trading Company Store.  Please explore this site to learn more. Email us to learn more about Logansboro. Thank you for visiting us.

Deadwood Oregon,  97430

Deadwood Creek, which drains a considerable area in the western part of the county, flows into Lake Creek, which in turn flows into Siuslaw River. Deadwood Creek got its name in early days because of the dead timber snags adjacent to its banks, the result of extensive forest fires in the Coast Range. Deadwood post office, named for the stream, was established April 15, 1884, with Thomas Pope first postmaster. The office was near the mouth of Deadwood Creek, It was discontinued to Greenleaf June 15, 1914, but reopened February 15, 1950.

Deadwood Creek is a tributary for salmon and steelhead.